Foam Control Agent

Defoamers and Antifoams for Metal Working Fluid

Cutting fluids are used in various industries such as automobile manufacturing, mold processing, machinery manufacturing, and shipbuilding. Cutting fluids will foam during use, affecting performance of cutting fluid and processing.
Defoamers and Antifoams can help manufacturers reduce foam in production, improve production efficiency and product quality. In metal processing, Defoamers and Antifoams can reduce surface tension of cutting fluids, reduce formation of bubbles, improve lubricity and cooling performance of cutting fluids, reduce consumption and pollution of cutting fluids, extend tool life, and improve processing efficiency and product quality.

Our product offering

SINOSIL offers our customers a wide range of antifoam agent and defoamer that meet specific needs in paint, coating and ink industry. Here are several examples of antifoam and defoamer available globally:

Antifoam compound 70MWF provides good balance of defoaming and antifoaming performance for both synthetic and emulsion type working fluids.

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This disclaimer of warranty and liability also applies – particularly in foreign countries – with respect to third parties’ rights.

I wholeheartedly recommend SINOSIL INCORPORATED to anyone seeking textile auxiliary include silicone softening agent, water repellent. Their unparalleled professionalism, innovative solutions, and customer-centric approach make them a standout choice in the industry.

Head of Denim at Ex-Archroma

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