Silicone Antifoam Agent
For many applications and industries, foam isn’t just a nuisance, it’s a problem. Excessive foaming can cause vessels to overflow, interfere with processes and packaging, and damage materials or equipment. Silicone antifoams agent can help solve all of these challenges efficiently and effectively by preventing and minimizing foam.
What do you need to know about foam control?
There are three different types of silicone foam control agents, adapted to specific applications:
- Defoamer agents that destroy foam
- Antifoam agents that prevent excessive foam
- De-aerating agents that control bubbles from developing too much
In the same way, for different applications, silicone antifoam agent and foam control agents are available in two different forms:
- Compounds – 100% active content, used in non-aqueous media or to make aqueous emulsions.
- Emulsions – with from 10 to 60% active content, containing surfactants and water.
SINOSIL: a full supply chain partner
SINOSIL’s extensive portfolio of silicone antifoam agent help minimize foaming issues for many industries. Our products support foam mitigation for applications in the food and beverage, chemical, plastics, pulp and paper, water treatment, coatings, oil and gas, metalworking, construction, and mining industries.
Discover how SINOSIL’s antifoam agents may offer versatile, effective and economical solutions for foam control.
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