Foam Control Agent
Antifoam and Defoamer for Textile
Antifoams play a very important role in the textile printing and dyeing industry. By eliminating foam and ensure uniform distribution of dyes and auxiliaries, antifoams signaficantly reduce foam generation and improve efficiency of dyeing process, reduce dyeing time, thereby saving production costs. In addition, antifoams agent also have a certain lubricating effect, which helps to protect equipment and extend its service life.
Our product offering
SINOSIL offers our customers a wide range of antifoam that meet specific needs in textile industry. Here are several examples of products available globally:
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All the information provided is in accordance with the present state of our knowledge. Nonetheless, we disclaim any warranty or liability whatsoever and reserve the right, at any time, to effect technical alterations. The information provided, as well as the product’s fitness for an intended application, should be checked by the buyer in preliminary trials. Contractual terms and conditions always take precedence.
This disclaimer of warranty and liability also applies – particularly in foreign countries – with respect to third parties’ rights.